Jobs For America's Graduates
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-affiliated program based on a national model available in high schools that teaches students employability skills. JAG’s mission is to keep young people in school through graduation with a curriculum that includes hands-on activities, service learning projects, work-based learning experiences, and competition. JAG students receive mentoring while in school and one year of follow-up to support the transition from graduation to employment, enrollment in training or college programs, or enlistment in the military. SIW operates twenty programs including 18 high school programs, a middle school program, and a College Success program at Ivy Tech Sellersburg.
JAG Goals: SIW’s JAG program has earned a “6 of 6” status and is recognized as an outstanding program nationally. JAG participants maintain better than a 90% graduation rate and over 80% positive outcomes (full-time hours in a job or postsecondary education).