Making A Difference

Making an Impact in the Community

July, 2021 - June, 2022

How Does SIW Help?

Hoosiers engaged in
workforce development activities
Approximate total economic wage impact
$ 0
Incumbent worker training investment
$ 0
Local Business Served
Entered Employment
K-12 Students & Youth Served
Work Based Learning
Credentials Earned
Average Wage
$ 0

Impact On The Community

We are the leader and convener of the talent development system.

We bridge the relationships of business and industry with the workforce.

We provide business resources to attract, train, and retain talent through the connection with jobseekers at the American Job Center – WorkOne Southern Indiana. These career and training services equip jobseekers to increase economic mobility, and help businesses grow and prosper equitably by having the talent they need to succeed.

This process begins by identifying the talent that is needed now, and researching the future skills needed to maintain a viable and thriving economy for employers and jobseekers. Being proactive and going beyond training for our current needs will help us to prepare children and young adults for the future world of work.

As a community-based, non-profit, we believe in empowering individuals with the dignity of work, and support equity and inclusion in the workforce. We are dedicated to building programs that meet the needs of people and our communities.

Talent Development requires going beyond helping individuals to find the next job. It is helping people to develop a sustainable career path that aligns with market demands. Career preparation begins in the classroom and the pursuit of life-long learning is essential to keep pace with an ever-changing world.

Our services deliver customized solutions and unique initiatives that redefine needs of the current and future workforce, and provide the resources and training opportunities to achieve those goals. We provide services in partnership with local economic development organizations, education and state agencies such as Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Commission for Higher Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Veterans Administration.

SIW implements strategies and initiatives for business, jobseekers, and the community that provide individuals with the skills to achieve and business with the talent to succeed while helping to support a strong and vibrant community.

Mission Moments

Southern Indiana Works' Success Stories

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